MPSA Conference


Jana Egelhofer, Ming Boyer and Loes Aaldering went to Chicago and presented four papers on Social Identity Salience, Fake News, Gender Differences in Political Media Coverage and the effect of Trait Ownership on Mediated Leader effects at the Midwest Political Science Association.

The following papers were presented at the MPSA conference. For more information, contact the authors directly!

Boyer, M. Lecheler, S. What the News Means to Me: An Exploratory Experiment Investigating Social Identity Salience After News Exposure.

Egelhofer, J., Lecheler, S., & Aaldering, L.: You are Fake News!" How the Term Fake News is Instrumentalized to Undermine News Media.

Van der Pas, D., & Aaldering, L.: Gender Differences in Political Media Coverage: A Meta-Analysis.

Aaldering, L., & Lecheler, S.: Trick of the Traits: An Experimental Study on the Impact of Trait Ownership on Mediated Leader Effects.