Mag. Priska Wikus, MSc. MA
© Jakob-Moritz Eberl
Mag. Priska Wikus, MSc. MA
PhD Candidate
Main Research Areas and Interests
- Communication and Gender
- Gender and Violence
- Gender and Medicine
- Qualitative Research
Priska Wikus is a PhD-Candidate at the Department of Communication, supervised by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Wilhelm, MA.
Her dissertation titled “Gender-based violence against women* - an ethnographic media-analysis in Austria’s TV-news” focuses on violence against women* as a social wide problem based on historically grown power-imbalances between men and women. To perform the ethnographic media-analysis Priska will use a triangular approach with a literature analysis, QCA, interviews with experts and a qualitative experiment. Her degree in Gender Studies will help integrating feministic ideas of violence research into her project.