Dr. Hannah Greber, BA BA MSc

Universitätsassistentin (Post-Doc)

Main Research Areas and Interests

  • Emerging Media in Political Communication
  • Innovations in Journalism
  • Emotions
  • Audience Research
  • Media Effects
  • Experiments

Hannah Greber is a postdoctoral researcher in the Political Communication Research Group. Her research focuses on the impact of emerging technologies on political communication and the interdependencies between political communication and these technologies. In addition, she works on comprehending the broad societal impact of emotionality in a digital environment.

Hannah Greber earned a PhD with her thesis entitled "Immersive Journalism - The Future of the News" at the Political Communication Research Group at the University of Vienna. She is also a recipient of the ÖAW-DOC doctoral scholarship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Klaus Schönbach Award.

Prior to her employment at the University of Vienna, Hannah Greber completed the Bachelor and Master in Communication Science at the University of Vienna, as well as the Bachelor Degree of English and American Studies at the University of Vienna. Additionally, she has worked as a freelance journalist for various newspapers and magazines, as well as directed and co-directed journalistic Virtual Reality productions.

Her research has been published in peer-reviewed Journals, such as Digital Journalism, Journalism and Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Media Communication and the International Journal of Press/Politics.

Kolingasse 14, 1090 Wien
Zi. 6.61
T: +43-1-4277 483 09
eMail: hannah.greber@univie.ac.at

Recent Publications

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Book Chapters


  • Greber, H., Lecheler, S., & Aaldering, L. (2021): Putting the audience back into audience- centered journalism: The worthwhileness of immersive journalism. Paper to be presented at the Future of Journalism Conference, Cardiff (online)
  • Greber, H., Lecheler, S., Aaldering, L., de Haan, Y., Kruikemeier, S., Goutier, N., & De Bruin, K. (2021): Die Wahrnehmung von immersivem Journalismus – ein qualitatives Experiment. Paper to be presented at the DGPuK, Munich
  • Schäfer, S., Greber, H., Lecheler, S., Sülflow, M. (2021). Communciating a crisis: Potentials and risks of resorative narratives. Paper presented at ECPR General Conference, Virtual
  • Greber, H., Lecheler, S., Aaldering, L., de Haan, Y., Kruikemeier, S., Goutier, N., & De Bruin, K. (2021): Feeling the news? The differential effects of immersive journalism on emotional response. Paper presented at the ICA, Denver (online)
  • Greber, H., Lecheler, S., & Aaldering, L. (2021): Putting the audience back into audience- centered journalism: The worthwhileness of immersive journalism. Paper presented at the ICA Journalism Graduate Students Colloquium, Denver (online)
  • Greber, H., Lecheler, S., & Aaldering, L. (2021): Immersive Journalism – The Future of the News?. Paper presented at the IEEEVR conference, Lisbon (online)
  • Greber, H., Paul, W., Rico, S., Semenova, S. (2019). Exploring media effects of constructive journalism on intentional behavior and engagement. Paper presented at the ECREA Journalism Studies Conference, Vienna.