Assoz. Prof. Dr. Claudia Wilhelm, M.A.
© Jakob-Moritz Eberl
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Claudia Wilhelm, M.A.
Associate Professor of Media & Intersectionality
Main Research Areas and Interests
- Digital communication and gender
- Media use effects
- Youth media research
Claudia Wilhelm is Associate Professor of Media and Intersectionality at the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna. She holds a PhD from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) on the influence of gender roles on use and behavior in digital games. Further stations in her academic career were the Universities of Tübingen and Erfurt (Germany) as well as a guest stay at the University of Texas at Austin (USA).
Her research received third-party funding from the EU and the Austrian Research Fund (FWF) and has been published in a wide range of international journals, such as Information, Communication & Society, New Media & Society, Journalism, Communication Research, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Behaviour & Information Technology, Social Science Computer Review, Public Understanding of Science, Psychology of Popular Media, Feminist Media Studies and Sex Roles. For an overview of all her publications, see here.
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✆ +43-1-4277-49331