Claire Roney, BA BA MA

Universitätsassistent (Prae-Doc)

Main Research Areas and Interests

  • science and health communication
  • political communication
  • news, media and society
  • quantitative methods

Claire Roney (she / her /  hers) is a PhD candidate with the Political Communication Research Group (POLCOM) at the University of Vienna, under the supervision of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sophie Lecheler. In her dissertation, she focuses on the shifting relationships between science, the media and society at the intersection of politics and science. Her research interests in science and political communication, the media and society, stem from professional experiences as a freelance journalist covering health and science topics, and as a research administrative assistant at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology over the course of the pandemic. She holds a master's degree in Journalism, Media and Globalization from the Erasmus Mundus program with Aarhus University and the University of Amsterdam (2023).

Kolingasse 14, 1090 Wien



Conference Presentations

Showing entries 1 - 3 out of 3

75th Annual International Communication Association (Event)

Claire Roney
75th Annual International Communication Association
Conference, Review for event
6.12.2024 - 6.12.2024

Rally and Recalibrate – Political Dynamics Of Audience Expectations Of Journalism During Times of Crisis

Claire Roney
10th Conference of the International Journal of Press / Politics
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
18.10.2024 - 18.10.2024

Communicating Uncertainty, a Missed Opportunity?

Claire Roney
Environmental Communication Pre-Conference Mentoring Workshop<br/>
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.6.2024 - 10.6.2024

Showing entries 1 - 3 out of 3