Discussion with Sophie Lecheler about Simple Language

Sophie Lecheler participated in a public discussion on the use of simple language in the media at the Austrian Public Broadcaster ORF. Find more details here [German] and here [German].

Interview: Sophie Lecheler with APA

Sophie Lecheler was interviewed on the role of Social Media in Political Communication by the Austrian Press Agency (APA). Find her insights here [German] and the full article here [German].

Interview: Sophie Lecheler in The New York Times

Sophie Lecheler shared her insights on a recent scandal involving Green MEP Lena Schilling in an article published by The New York Times here [English].

Interview: Sophie Lecheler on the Normalization of Combat Media

Sophie Lecheler was interviewed on the normalization of combat media in the Ö1 magazine Doublecheck. The full interview can be found here [German].

Discussion: Sophie Lecheler on The Indispensable Role of the Media

Sophie Lecheler was part of a discussion hosted by the Community-Plattform of the DigitalCity.Wien on Voices of Democracy: The Indispensable Role of the Media.

More information on the event here [German].

Interview: Sophie Lecheler on personalized political advertising

Sophie Lecheler was interviewed by The FWF Science Magazine – scilog. She shared her expertise on personalized political advertising.

Read the full interview here [English and German].

Transparent Automated Content Moderation (TACo)

Under the leadership of communication scientist Sophie Lecheler at the University of Vienna and Allan Hanbury from the Vienna University of Technology, an interdisciplinary team of social scientists and computer scientists has been working on the Transparent Automated Content Moderation (TACo) project since September 2021.

Learn more about the project here [German].

Anna Maria Planitzer on AI and Public Perceptions

Our team member, Anna Maria Planitzer, took part in an insightful and critical panel discussion at the Volkshochschule Wien's public event “Politisches Café”, where she discussed ethics, risks, opportunities, and future directions of AI from a citizen perspective.

Learn more about the event here [German].

Sophie Lecheler and Nikolaus Wimmer in Rudolphina

Sophie Lecheler and Nikolaus Wimmer shared their insights on audience expectations towards news media and their role in democracy in Rudolphina - the Science Magazine of the University of Vienna. Read the full article here [German].

Interview: Dominika Betakova for Lëtzebuerger Journal

Our team member, Dominika Betakova, was interviewed by Misch Pautsch from Lëtzebuerger Journal about her dissertation topic, news avoidance. In the interview, Dominika speaks about how news avoidance can be defined, how prevalent it is in Austria, which factors raise a probability of being a news avoider, what are the effects of this behavior and also possible options to reengage news avoiders with news. Read the full article here [English, German, French].

Interview: Teresa Weikmann for logicallyfacts.com

Teresa Weikmann was interviewed by the fact-checking website logicallyfacts.com on visual misinformation in the age of AI. Find the full interview here [English].

Podcast: Vera Axyonova for Business Diplomacy Today

Vera Axyonova was interviewed on Expert influence in policy- and decision-making at Business Diplomacy Today. Find the full podcast here [English].

Interview: Vera Axyonova for CABAR

Vera Axyonova was interviewed by the Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting (CABAR) on the role of Kazakhstan’s think tanks. Read the full interview in English here.

Conference "Flucht ins Archiv" with Faime Alpagu

Faime Alpagu shared her thoughts on a racism-critical archive of migration at the conference "Flucht ins Archiv". Find coverage on her talk here (in German).

Presentation: Vera Axyonova @EUI

In this research seminar, Vera Axyonova draws on the findings of her research project "Expert Knowledge in Times of Crisis - Uncovering Interaction Effects between Think Tanks, Media and Politics beyond Liberal Democracies". Find the full presentation here.

Podcast: "Doctot it!" with Sophie Minihold

Sophie Minihold was a guest in the podcast "Doctor it!" and talked about the thrills and troubles of academic writing. Find the full podcast here.

Guest Comment: Faime Alpagu for "Der Standard"

Faime Alpagu wrote a guest comment for the Austrian newspaper "Der Standard" about structural racism against people from Turkey living in Austria and explains what needs to change. Find the full article here (in German).

Podcast: "Aufnahmebereit" with Faime Alpagu

Faime Alpagu was a guest in "Aufnahmebereit", a podcast on migration related topics. The Podcast (in German) can be found on Spotify.

Podcast: Doctor it! with Faime Alpagu

Faime Alpagu talked about carrer opportunities after completing a PhD in Episode 11 of "Doctor it!" - the podcast of PhD candidates in the humanities and the social sciences at the University of Vienna. Find the podcast here.

"Spontan gefragt" with Sophie Lecheler

Sophie Lecheler was interviewed for the series Spontan gefragt by Kurier TV and talked about digital humanism and the role of modern communication technologies for our everyday lives. Find coverage on the talk by Profil and Leadersnet (in German).

Ming Boyer & Loes Aaldering: What’s political for some, is personal to others

Ming Boyer and Loes Aaldering wrote a blog post about their recent publication on the influence of societal status on motivated reasoning.

You can read about this study in more detail in this blog by Ming Boyer and Loes Aaldering here (written in Dutch) or in the open access research paper here (written in English).

Sophie Lecheler - Communication during COVID-19

Sophie Lecheler was interviewed for the series kulturMontag by ORF and talked about the role of social media, freedom of opinion and political communication during COVID-19. 

Find the full interview in German here

New Feature - From novelty to normalization?

Nieman Lab and RQ1 Newsletter

The study 'From novelty to normalization? How journalists use the term "fake news" in their reporting' by Jana Laura Egelhofer, Loes Aaldering, Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Sebatian Galyga and Sophie Lecheler was featured in the RQ1 Newsletter, which highlights the latest research on journalism, and on the Nieman Lab Website. 

Find the RQ1 Newsletter here.

Find the Nieman Lab Feature here. 

Immersive Journalism

"Does immersive journalism have a future and if so, what does it look like?" Yael de Haan talks to the 'Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek' about the research by the JournalismLab, the University of Amsterdam and the University of Vienna, which is trying to answer these pressing questions for two years. In the years to come, we will certainly see immersive stories, made with, for example, virtual reality, but the technology remains subordinate to the story.

Find the full article in dutch here

Sophie Lecheler - Turmoil in Cyberspace

In a portrait by the Austrian newspaper "Die Presse", Sophie Lecheler talks about the roots of her passion for science, the current focus of her research and provides glimpses into what it means to be a professional researcher. Find the full article "Sophie Lecheler: Aufruhr im Cyberspace" here! 

Expert Opinion - How politicians stage themselves

As an expert, Sophie Lecheler explains why politicians need spin doctors, why they need to adhere to media logic and why emotions in political communication are not necessarily bad. 

Find the full article "Nur nicht stolpern: Wie Politiker sich inszenieren" in german in the Austrian newspaper "Der Standard" here. 

Guest commentary

Sophie Lecheler wrote a guest commentary on the topic of combining family life with her job as a professor for the APA Science website.

The APA Science article can be found here.

Interview Sophie Lecheler - Fake News

Fake News disseminate faster in the virtual world than the truth - but how can these Fake News be invalidated? Sophie Lecheler talks in this interview with ORF Science about the role of humans in contrast to bots in spreading Fake News, the situation regarding Fake News in Austria and the role of media literacy in handling Fake News. 

Find the full interview - „Fake News“: Warnung vor „Faktor Mensch“ - here. 

Loes Aaldering on negative media attention during an election campaign

The doctoral thesis written by Loes Aaldering is discussed on the Science X Platform. There, her findings are summarized - namely that the impact  of positive media attention on citizen's voting behavior is larger than negative reporting. Negative attention, however, does not seem to have negative repercussions for party leaders. 

You can find more information in the article "Negative media attention during election campaign does not harm party leaders: study" on the Science Communication Platform of Science X in English here. 

Radio Interview about Political Satire

Sophie Lecheler talked at Ö1 Doublecheck on political satire.
Find the full talk here!

Radio Lecture

Sophie Lecheler gave a radio lecture for Ö1 titled 'the Power of Words', on the influence of framing effects.

The lecture can be listened here.