
Members of the Political Communication Research Group study the interaction between political elites, media, and citizens. We are specifically interested in understanding how and under which conditions political elites communicate with citizens, what role media organizations and journalists play in the political communication process, and how citizens engage with political communication across various platforms. We use a variety of qualitative, quantitative, and computational social research methods to develop and test theories that help understand the quality of political communication in democracies today.

News & Events


Teresa Weikmann, Alina Nikolaou and Hannah Greber won the Research Award of the Department of Communciation 2021 with their proposal "Do you believe?...


Andrea Stockinger joined the Political Communication Research Group as a Ph.D. candidate. Welcome!


Ming Boyer successfully defended his doctoral thesis with distinction! Congratulations!


In this video for uni:view, Jana Laura Egelhofer gives insights into her research on the content and consequences of the fake news debate and her work...


Sophie Lecheler was invited to the podcast "Ars Boni", to talk about quality journalism in Austria. You can listen to the podcast online!


Vera Axyonova joined the Political Communication Research Group as a Marie Curie REWIRE Fellow. Welcome to the Team!


Jana Laura Egelhofer, together with Loes Aaldering and Sophie Lecheler published her new paper on politicians' media criticism on Facebook in the...


Ming Boyer published a blog article on the dutch political science blog “Stuk Rood Vlees” about his recent publication "Aroused Argumentation - How...


Together with Allan Hanbury (TU Wien) and Svenja Schäfer, Sophie Lecheler is studying a novel user-centric approach towards automated content...


Sophie Lecheler, together with the Vienna Research Group on Algorithmic Targeted Communication organizes an online workshop with an highly...


Sophie Minihold, Teresa Weikmann and Hannah Greber are presenting and discussing their papers at ICA pre-conferences!


Our team is presenting presentations on the "fake news" label, immersive journalism and effects of misogynistic advertisement at the International...