
We are excited to welcome Puck Guldemond as a visiting researcher in our POLCOM Team in Vienna!


Members of the Political Communication Research Group will share their latest research findings at the 75rd Annual ICA Conference in Denver, CO.


Hossein Kermani published his new book "Twitter Activism in Iran: Social Media and Democracy in Authoritarian Regimes".


Daniel Wiesner has won the Teaching Award of the Department of Communication honoring his excellent teaching during the previous semesters....


Extended Deadline: January 31st, 2025

Vienna Doctoral College on Digital Humanism is seeking 5 PhD Candidates (Part-time, 30 hours/week, Starting...


Sophie Lecheler was a guest on the podcast series “Rund ums Parlament,” initiated by the Austrian Parliament, and discussed the question: “Are Social...


Each year, the Faculty of Social Sciences awards the sowi:doc Awards to doctoral graduates for their outstanding research contributions in the...


Sophie Lecheler and colleagues published serveral papers on Data-Driven Campaigns.


Sophie Lecheler coordinates a new doctoral college on Digital Humanism that was introduced as a cooperation between the University of Vienna, the TU...


Sophie Minihold together with Sophie Lecheler, Claes de Vreese and Sanne Kruikemeier published their new paper "Exploring digital campaign competence:...


Vera Axyonova together with Tinatin Tsertsvadze published a new book chapter on Democratization and Human Rights in "The EU as an Actor in Central...


Sophie Lecheler together with Torsten Möller organizes a lecture series on "Foundations and Methods of Digital Humanism" this semester. International...